Valais Blacknose Society – UK & NI Judges Application Process & Guideline

Figure 1 below illustrates the Valais Blacknose Society (VBS) Judges Panel pyramid. It describes the structure and progression process of Judges training in addition to highlighting the categorisation of shows in line with Judging Panel experience levels.

Figure 1: Valais Blacknose Society Judges Panel Pyramid





The following information is intended to describe the judge application process and provide additional information. Please be aware that attendance at all Judge Development Days, refresher training days and grading courses is compulsory for all approved Judges and is entirely at the expense of the applicant.


Check your eligibility to apply.

Applicants must be at least 25 years of age on the 1st January in the year of the application. In all cases, candidates must have:

  1. Bred Valais Blacknose Sheep (VBN) for at least five years, and
  2. Been a full Gold member of the Valais Blacknose Society (VBS) for the past three consecutive years, and
  3. Must have shown at one or more Royal or County Show and produced show winning sheep or at least been placed in the top three in a VBN class.

Request an application Pack from the VBS Secretary.

Then complete the first section of the Nominating Judges’ Questionnaire and send a copy of your application together with the questionnaire to your nominator. Please advise them to sign the questionnaire email and send the completed application to the VBS Secretary (

Further information

No VBS Panel Judge may sign a nomination form for a family member, or partner (either personal or business) . A nominator must be an existing Panel Judge (but not a trainee) and must not sign more than one nomination form per year.

Applications for the Judges’ Panel will be initially assessed by the Graders and then put forward to the VBS Council for approval and successful applicants will be sent on a training event – the Judges Development Day, usually held in Nov/Dec. The Graders/A Panel Judges present will select those suitable to shadow an A or above Panel Judge at two events during the next showing season. The presiding judge will assess the competency of the shadowing trainee judge and complete an assessment form for the Council. Those who do not pass the day will be encouraged to attend regional training events held each year before re-applying.

Successful Trainees will be notified in writing of the outcome and if appropriate will be added onto the ‘B’ Judges Panel.

A Judges Development/Refresher Day will be held by the VBS on an annual basis. Both new and existing judges failing to attend, without good reason, will be recategorized on the Judges Panel. Existing judges must attend once every third year.

Judges who have successfully demonstrated their competence as a ‘B’ Panel Judge will have the opportunity to progress up through the Judges pyramid (see Figure 1). The process is by invitation only via the VBS Council, advised by the Graders’ Group. Panel ‘B’ Judges may be invited to progress to the ‘A’ Panel, where after a minimum of 2 years, may be offered the opportunity to attend Swiss Grading training programme in Switzerland – the Society will pay for the course. Those successfully completing the Grading Training will remain on the ‘A’ Panel, for 2 years to gain further Grading and Judging experience, after which time promotion to the ‘A +’ Panel will be considered. The VBS Council will exercise it’s discretion in the implementation of these rules considering the current shortage of qualified UK Graders and the recent amendments to the Judges’ Rules. Furthermore, the VBS Council reserve the right to refuse continued progress through the Judges training pyramid if desired competencies are not achieved.

It is envisaged the Judges Development Days will take place annually in Nov/Dec and invitations for Judges to be promoted to the ‘A’ Panel or invited to attend Swiss Grading training will take place annually in November.

Provided VBS can send Judges for Swiss Grading Training, to ensure development it is expected that ‘A +’ panel Judges will attend the Swiss Training as a ‘Refresher’ at least once every 3 years. Due to the limited availability of training places in Switzerland, the VBS Council will also consider other development opportunities for ‘B’ Panel Judges to ensure training for panel promotion. ‘A+’ Panel Judges failing to attend the required Refresher Training as required will be will recategorized on the Judges Panel. This is to ensure that all Judges/Graders receive the best training VBS can offer.

Graders and Judges will be in a very privileged position and must be acutely aware, and be able to demonstrate, a deep understanding of the VBS specific breeding objectives. Placings at shows have the potential to increase the value of successful animals. This could increase the popularity of certain individuals and therefore will have the ability to change the direction of selection pressure within our small population. The development of the breed in Switzerland is much faster than the UK. This is due to i) more animals of superior quality and high genetic merit (as judged by grading) and ii) a much wider range of genetic diversity compared to the UK population. Fundamentally the Swiss grading system of the breed is one of the most unique in the world and we need to ensure the desirable breed traits are carried through and deeply embedded into our own Judges and Graders to ensure future protection of the VBN.

Throughout the progression through the Judges pyramid, Judges will be appraised, at the discretion of the Senior Graders. Appraisal Forms, giving constructive feedback, will be made available to all Judges for continued improvement and development.

Shows will be categorized into A+, A & B shows to align with the VBS Judging Panels. This list will subsequently be provided to all independent Agricultural Show Committees to aid them in their selection and appointment of Judges. If no Judges from specific panels are available, only then will it be acceptable for the Agricultural Show Committees to select a Judge from another panel i.e., if no ‘A+’ Panel Judges are available, a Judge should then be selected from the ‘A’ panel.

This Document should be read in conjunction with the Judges’ Rules Document.