Valais Blacknose Society would like to express a sincere and heartfelt Thank-You to all Blacknose Beauties sponsors for their continued input and generous support and to welcome our new joint mainline sponsors for 2024.


Blacknose Beauties

Mainline Show Sponsors

Donator of the Supreme Champion Trophy & Class Prizes:

Established in 1965, Tomintoul Distillery is located in the heart of the Cairngorms National Park, just outside Tomintoul, the highest village in the Highlands of Scotland. The area surrounding Tomintoul Distillery is one of astounding natural beauty. This natural environment combined with the fresh mountain air of the Cairngorms, the soft, pure water from the Ballantruan spring and the tall and mighty stills of Tomintoul, all contribute to creating our exceptionally smooth and well-balanced whisky, famously known as “the gentle dram”.

Social Channels:

Instagram: @ tomintoulwhisky

Facebook: Tomintoul Single Malt Whisky

Twitter: @TomintoulWhisky


Class 1: Ram 2-3 years old

“Whiterigg” is a fourth-generation family-run farm situated in the heart of Central Scotland.
In 2019 we purchased our first ewes, and we quickly found ourselves looking to add more.
Our focus is breeding to a quality comparable to original Swiss Valais Blacknose breed standards
from the highest quality bloodlines available in the UK.
Promoting the breed, sharing our knowledge and supporting fellow breeders to produce quality
stock is a top priority.
We have enjoyed success at Local agricultural shows, as well as National, Royal, and County
Shows. Breeding County and Royal Champions and several Maximum Points sheep.
This year Robbie embarked on his judging career, to be a society-trained Judge.
We have stock available throughout the year and provide ongoing education and support to our
Facebook: @valaisblacknosestirlingshire-whiteriggflock


Class 2: Ram 18-24 months

Home to the MOORAHILL Flock – Our farm is nestled in the beautiful Lake District national park. We have been breeding Valais Blacknose sheep since 2015 .

Our emphasis is on a naturally bred flock,”quality over quantity” and only using the best of the best bloodlines available to the UK.

All our lambs/sheep are sired by top award winning maximum point Swiss bloodline rams. .Including Prendwick Invinsible ET – Reserve Male Champion.

Proud sponsors of Class 2 for many years .

Overall supreme Champion winner at Blacknose Beauties in 2023 with Moorahill Ingot.

We have lambs and wool for sale throughout the year , anyone interested in lambs is advised to go on our waiting list. We are passionate about the breed and our aim is to upkeep the pure Swiss standard . We are always happy to educate and help people who are thinking of starting their own valais flock.

You can follow our flock on Facebook & Instagram




Class 3: Ram 12-18 months

The Valais Blacknose Society of North America (VBSANA) was formed in 2017 by sheep breeders Wendy Artzt and Dr. Cindy Brasfield, USDA veterinarian. Together Wendy and Cindy have 20 years of Breed Registry experience and 40 years of sheep breeding experience.

The goal of VBSANA is to maintain the wonderful Valais Blacknose Sheep type and genetics that the Swiss have worked so hard to perfect over several centuries. VBSANA is managed according to the rules of the Valais Blacknose Sheep Society UK and the Swiss Oberwalliser Schwarznasenzuchtverband,

For the past 4 years, VBSANA has educated prospective breeders and members about the Valais Blacknose breed in order to preserve the unique Swiss type and produce premium quality North American stock.

The role of VBSANA is to record/register the offspring produced by breeding up or importation, to create standards as to what is acceptable in a Valais Blacknose Registry, and support breeders in introducing this new breed to North America.



Facebook: @ValaisBlacknoseSheepAssociationNA



Class 4: Ram 8 -12 months old.


Class 5: Ram 6-8 lamb Months Old

The Teton Valley Sheep Company (TVBSC) was launched in 2017 by Wendy Artzt and Dr. Cindy Brasfield to import Valais Blacknose semen to North America acting as agent for Valais Blacknose Scotland. TVBSC is a leading importer of Valais Blacknose frozen semen and embryos from the UK and New Zealand. Wendy has been a leading frozen semen importer since 2006. Dr. Brasfield was a USDA veterinarian who supervised the importation of livestock from South Africa, New Zealand and Peru. Cindy exported her own purebred sheep throughout Central America.

TVBSC imports frozen semen and embryos from the best Valais Blacknose bloodlines and breeders in Switzerland. In 2020 TVBSC partnered with Highland Valais to bring Highland’s best Swiss genetics to North America via New Zealand. Most UK based embryo donors had been awarded Maximum Points. Highland Valais Blacknose has been awarded the most number of Maximum Points outside of Switzerland.

TVBSC imports and breeds using only Maximum Points genetics.



Facebook @tetonvalaisblacknose




Class 6: Ram lamb 4-6 months

Elite Sheep Reproduction provides quality ovine reproductive products promoting only breeding stock with premium genetics.

With a background consisting of decades of experience in raising livestock and select breeding of champion award winning show sheep, Elite Sheep Reproduction is passionate about quality and adherence to breed standards providing you with the best genetics to produce elite sheep and therefore improving your flock. Managed by a long time successful sheep breeder, Elite Sheep Reproduction can provide you with insights on your breeding program suggesting Sires that can compliment your flock and provide you the maximum return on your investment.

Elite Sheep Reproduction specializes in the popular Valais Blacknose Sheep breed.

Kevin and Reni Melvin



Class 7: Ewe 2-3 years old

From the Alps of Switzerland to the heart of Cheshire, we are a passionate team who have always had a love for animals from an early age. Steve Dace the Proprietor of Valais Blacknose Sheep Cheshire got his bug for Poultry at the age of 6 years old growing up on a smallholding with about 6 acres of land and it was always his goal from then to have land when he was older.Now a good few years older and now has a family that are willing to get their hands dirty, especially for lambing time and the shows! Valais Blacknose Sheep Cheshire now have over 45 acres of land in the heart of Cheshire where they have built up a large Valais Blacknose flock.

Along with sheep Steve also keeps Valais Blackneck Goats that are also from Switzerland and have fantastic personalities and also specialises in Laced Wyandotte Chickens and Sebastopol Geese which he exhibits at National and Federation Shows.

At Valais Blacknose Sheep Cheshire we have Ewes, Rams, lambs and Semen for sale. For more information please get in touch.

Facebook –

Instagram –

Tik tok –

Website –


Class 8: Ewe 18-24 months old

The Goldies Valais Blacknose flock was established in May 2016 to complement our other pedigree enterprises of Limousin cattle, Texel and Zwartbles sheep which date back to 1977. All stock at our farm, Townfoot near Dumfries in Scotland are High Health and export qualified. Our pedigree enterprises on our family farm are ran by Bruce and Linda alongside their children Thomas and Isla. The Goldies Valais Blacknose flock has successfully sold sheep all around the UK and Eire. Semen has been sent to the USA, Canada and Norway and embryos have been exported to New Zealand. We have been fortunate to have many repeat customers in all these countries.

Facebook pages- Goldies Valais Blacknose Sheep ~ Goldies Limousins and Texels ~ Bruce Linda Goldie

Website- Twitter- Townfoot_News

Class 9: Ewe 12-18 Months

Based in East Ayrshire on the west coast of Scotland Tom and Joan Blackwood the owners of Ayrshire Valais Blacknose have been breeding Valais Blacknose Sheep since 2018. We have been building up our flock for the last few years using pure Swiss bloodlines from some of the best breeders in the country and we are constantly trying to breed the best and most authentic sheep we can.  We started showing in 2021 and have been really enjoying attending various local and national shows with great success

Our greatest achievement so far has been receiving supreme reserve champion at the 2023 Blacknose Beauties show with our homebred ewe Ayrshire Ingrid.

Our breeding is now all over the UK, Ireland, New Zealand and America and we have quality stock and semen available most times of the year.

Facebook: @ayrshirevalaisblacknose




Class 10: Ewe lamb 8-12 months old

Horsemill Valais Blacknose is based near to the famous Gretna Green village with views over the Solway in one direction and the Lake District in the other. In 2015 we were already breeding commercial sheep and Claire, my daughter, was working full time on our smallholdings whilst I continued working as a nurse. May 2015 and our first Valais Blacknose ewes and lambs arrived. Over the years we have slowly built up our flock . During our visits to other breeders, we have gained and shared knowledge and built many lasting friendships. Our first Valais Blacknose lambs were born in 2016 and that was the year we first showed our ram lambs at the Blacknose Beauties Show in Carlisle, where we continue to show our sheep each year. We currently have a flock of 58 pedigree Valais sheep. All of our lambs are naturally bred and from pure Swiss bloodlines. Our lambs for this year are due in August and September. Along with sheep, we also keep Standard and Miniature donkeys, Call Ducks and Peafowl. It’s been a great journey so far and one we continue to enjoy…..

Facebook- Horsemill Valais Blacknose Sheep –

Instagram- horsemill_valais –

Twitter- horsemillvalais –

TikTok- horsemillvalais –






Class 11: Ewe Lamb 6-8 months.

Diamond Valais Blacknose was established in July 2019 with a special gift from my father of a pedigree ewe. 5 years on and the breed holds a very special place in our heart. We are enjoying learning all the time about these amazing sheep and we are working hard to improve our flock. We farm a small holding in County Antrim in Northern Ireland and get so much joy from breeding and showing our Valais. Best of all we have met some wonderful people and made great friendships along the way.

Class 12: Ewe lamb 4-6 months


Young Handlers Age 8 & Under

Young Handlers Age 9 & Over

Crookedstane is a traditional hill farm at 1000 ft above sea level in the Clyde Valley, situated amongst the Lowther hills. We are supporters of the Valais Blacknose Sheep Society UK and are active in it’s running and organisation of the annual show and sale.
Our Valais Blacknose sheep are MV accredited as well as vaccinated and medicated to a high veterinary standard. We also breed strictly to the Society breed standards, this helps ensure the continuation of this rare breed of Swiss sheep.
We sell stock and wool throughout the UK and will export where regulations allow. Please contact Jemma Knowles-Brown for any further details.