Valais Blacknose Sheep Society UK members have been on the television a lot of late. Firstly we had Renee of Valais Blacknose Sheep Oxfordshire on Farmers County Showdown who was showing her sheep at the Kent Country Show. They had great results with First prize in Group of 3 in the Any Other Continental Breed Class and were placed 4th in the Championship out of 12, well done Renee!

Secondly Raymond and Jenni of Highland Valais Blacknose Sheep on the series This Farming Life which follows them around for a year. We have seen a few episodes so far including scanning the sheep and most recently lambing. More episodes will follow later on in the year following Raymond and Jenni on a trip to Switzerland and hopefully Blacknose Beauties 2018. Elfie the pet lamb has been a huge hit with the show as she can often be seen following Raymond around and literally getting under his feet.

Finally, we had Gerallt and Kerry with all their children from Valais Blacknose Sheep Snowdonia on Countryfile on Sunday 17th March including meeting their first homebred Valais Blacknose lamb Glory (named due to Wales winning the rugby). This has been fantastic at gaining more exposure for the sheep and we are welcoming lots of new members to the Society.