September Breeder Focus of the Month, The Polsons Swiss Findon from Aberdeen 🏴
1.Tell us a bit about yourself?
We are Shannon and Christina Polson and our parents are Andrew and Kerry. Our Dad grew up on a croft in Caithness and his passion for sheep has continued. We run a flock of 200 breeding ewes in Aberdeenshire, breeding mainly North Country Cheviot sheep and some Valais Blacknose sheep.
2. Do you have a website/facebook page
Valais Blacknose Swiss Findon –¬if_id=1569677830625743¬if_t=aymt_upsell_tip&ref=notif
Polson Smerlie North Country Cheviots –¬if_id=1568975786393392¬if_t=aymt_upsell_tip&ref=notif
3. Flock Prefix
Swiss Findon
4. When did you get your first Valais Blacknose Sheep?
5. How big is your flock?
We currently have 20 and hope to keep our flock this size.
6. Who has been your favourite sheep and why?
It’s hard to choose a favourite as they are all so friendly and love a good scratch and cuddle. Our original two ewes, Bella and Booboo, would probably be our favourites as we have had them the longest. Dancer and Everest also have a soft spot with us.
7. Do you have any tips you have learned about the breed along the way?
Shearing the sheep once a year is not often enough, the Valais Blacknose sheep need to be sheared every 6 months. We avoid having the sheep in fields with thistles etc that can get stuck in their fleeces. Make sure if the sheep are being run on soft/wet ground to ensure their feet are kept well-trimmed to prevent any foot issues.
8. What are your ambitions for your Valais Blacknose Sheep?
To continue breeding Valais Blacknose sheep alongside our other sheep to a high standard.
9. What other animals do you have?
We have 200 North Country Cheviot breeding ewes and a Border Collie called Meg.
10. What is the best thing that has happened to you because of owning Valais Blacknose Sheep?
Seeing the joy on visitors faces while interacting with our sheep due to their great friendly nature. Also, the nice people we have met through the sheep shows and sales. The Valais Blacknose Sheep Society are a friendly and welcoming group of people.
Lastly your favourite photo…